Sunday 20 November 2016

Major Scales

Major Scales:

            It is not necessary to learn all the scales. So in this lesson I would like to mention some of the scales which are used majorly in every form of music say it be Rock, Pop, Bollywood, Love Songs, etc.,

             It is very important that you practice all these scales using a Metronome and follow the chart mentioned in the earlier post Lesson 2 


1) C Major Scale

E |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |---------------------------------0-----1-----1----0-----------------------------------------|
G |--------------------0----2------------------------------2-----0-----------------------------|
D |------0---2---3----------------------------------------------------3---2---0---------------|
A |---3------------------------------------------------------------------------------3----------|
E |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

2) G Major Scale


E |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------0----2----3-----|
B |-------------------------------------------------------------0-----1-----3---------------------|
G |------------------------------------------------0-----2-----------------------------------------|
D |------------------------------0-----2-----4----------------------------------------------------|
A |------------0-----2-----3----------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |------3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


E |-----3----2----0---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |---------------------3-----1-----0---------------------------------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------2------0------------------------------------------------|
D |-------------------------------------------------------4------2------0---------------------------|
A |------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-----2-----0------|
E |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3--|

3) D Major Scale

E |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |---------------------------------------0-----2-----3-------3-----2-----0---------------------------------|
G |--------------------------0-----2---------------------------------------------2-----0---------------------|
D |------0-----2-----4------------------------------------------------------------------------4-----2-----0-|
A |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Understanding Rhythm


              As mentioned earlier in the post theory is also important in terms of learning and so let understand some basic theory as we practice "Finger Gymnastics" using a Metronome. 

            A Metronome is used so that every musician can follow a certain kind of rhythm which is repeated over and over again. You can download it from the internet which is available for free.

            In this theory & practical session we will try to be in a certain rhythmic value and match our playing according to the beats mentioned below.

Note Values: Number of beats per note.

Semibreve - Whole Note     = 4 Beats
Minims      - Half Note        = 2 Beats
Crochets    - Quarter Note   = 1 Beat
Quavers     - 8th Note          = 1/2 Beat (2 notes per beat)

Time Signature: Number of beats in a cycle.
             Every musician/composer utilizes this great method to keep every music note in an order. It also gives other musician a basic idea of the rhythm which moves along. There are different type of time signatures some are "common" and other "odd". Lets look at some of the time signatures mentioned below.

Some of the common time signature used in most of the music Genres.

4/4 = 4 Beats in a cycle

1   2   3   4   |  1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | etc.,

3/4 = 3 Beats in a cycle

1    2    3 | 1   2  3 | 1   2   3 | etc.,

2/4 = 2 Beats in a cycle

1   2 | 1   2 | 1   2 | etc.,

Odd Time Signatures used mostly in Jazz and other Genres.

5/4 = 5 Beats in a cycle

1   2   3   4   5 | 1   2   3   4   5 | 1   2   3   4   5| etc.,

7/4 = 7 Beats in a cycle

1   2   3   4   5   6   7 | 1   2   3   4   5   6   7 | etc.,

Metronome Marking for Finger Gymnastics

Quarter Note  = 160 Bpm (Time Signature 4/4)
Eight Note      = 120 Bpm (Time Signature 2/4)

                 Make sure you do practice and accomplish before you move to the next lesson. As mentioned practice is important and do it like you worship it. It will surely help you in further exercises. 

Sunday 6 November 2016

Finger Gymnastics

             It is very important to do a little warm up for your shoulder & fingers before you start practicing.

             Theory is not important at the initial stage of practice but later you'll feel it is very useful in playing/composing music.

             So lets begin today with our 1st lesson/exercise.

* 7 letters in music (A-B-C-D-E-F-G) which keeps repeating.


Strings  :  6         5          4           3         2          1
Names  :  E        A          D          G        B          E


E |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1---2---3---4-----------|
B |----------------------------------------------------------------------1---2---3---4-----------------------------|
G |----------------------------------------------------1---2---3---4-----------------------------------------------|
D |----------------------------------1---2---3---4-----------------------------------------------------------------|
A |------------------1--2---3---4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E  |--1--2---3--4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

E |--4---3---2---1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------4--3---2---1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |------------------------------------4---3---2---1--------------------------------------------------------------|
D |------------------------------------------------------4---3---2---1--------------------------------------------|
A |------------------------------------------------------------------------4---3---2---1--------------------------|
E  |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4---3---2---1--------|


E |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1---3---2---4-----------|
B |----------------------------------------------------------------------1---3---2---4-----------------------------|
G |----------------------------------------------------1---3---2---4-----------------------------------------------|
D |----------------------------------1---3---2---4-----------------------------------------------------------------|
A |------------------1--3---2---4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E  |--1---3---2--4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

E |--4---2---3---1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------4--2---3---1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |------------------------------------4---2---3---1--------------------------------------------------------------|
D |------------------------------------------------------4---2---3---1--------------------------------------------|
A |------------------------------------------------------------------------4---2---3---1--------------------------|
E  |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4---2---3---1--------|

Saturday 5 November 2016


           Hi my name is George Monteiro & I've been playing music since 14 Years and teaching from the last 8 years. And I think its very easy to give basic ideas of playing an Instrument over the internet. Basic is very important in every field & so with all the experience & certain R&D that I did in the meanwhile in all this year I decided to share some of the basic concepts of playing a Guitar. 

            Every time you listen to a tune your body moves along the beat, sometimes it also happens that a person who has no knowledge about dancing/singing etcs.,starts at prompt. 

              This is because we been listening to music from a very young age and that is the reason why we like a particular Genre of music. But as we expand to a different place and meet new people our likes changes too accordingly.

             At one particular time some of you may decide to get along or try doing something in Music like playing an instrument, singing, dancing, etc., and it gets difficult for many students to find a perfect teacher to teach them what they decide to do as a Hobby.       

            Once you complete doing these basics "seriously". I bet you can play any song that you wish for. But remember Theory is important too in terms of learning.

             And so, I've shared some common and most important exercises in this blog. Every Beginner in Guitar will surely benefit by doing all the exercise mentioned. 


My Profile:

     George G. Monteiro